Blackout Blinds

For a great nights sleep, we recommend blackout blinds for both adult and children’s bedrooms. Plus with child safe cord free options available, everyone can relax and enjoy a peaceful night.Also great for keeping rooms in direct sunlight cool and comfortable during summer months or for any room where an extra level of privacy is required

Good quality sleep is invaluable when it comes to our health and well-being so why not start each day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated with our superb range of blackout blinds for your bedroom.

Huge choice

Available in Roller, Venetian and Roman styles and in a vast range of colours, fabrics and prints means that when you chose blackout blinds, you never need to compromise on style. Practical and stunning, Blackout never means dull or drab with Hinds Blinds.

Are blinds safe for kids rooms? 

Our child safe, cord free blinds not only come in bright colourful and funky prints, they’re also designed to give you the peace of mind that your most precious loved ones are also safe from potential harm, meaning you too can enjoy a great night’s sleep.

Seamless fit

Our blackout blinds are made-to-measure so they fit snugly in your window frame and stop those annoying chinks of light from disturbing you. They’re also a great way to keep your room cool during the summer, creating a more comfortable sleep inducing temperature.

Increased privacy

Blackout blinds also offer a higher level of privacy. Perfect for both domestic use and businesses including offices, health care and beauty treatment rooms.